Today we presented our movies to other members in the class. We each had to give a brief introduction to the movie then showed our movies on the big screen. It was really interesting to see what different ideas the other groups had come up with and how they had edited their movies.
Sharon used a voting website called poll4. It requires the use of a phone or the Internet on a iPad or iPhone. It can be used to ask questions, take polls or for assessment purposes. Poll4 is effective because it is anonymous which means children do not have to worry about what their peers think about their opinions or answers. It also means there is no animosity after any voting processes because no one will know who voted what. This could be used in any lessons as it may encourage children who do not usually participate in classroom discussions, to participate.
Sharon carried out a voting poll in which we rated each film from 5 to 10. All the scores were recorded till the final film had been played and then the winner was announced.
My group won!! I am so proud of how well we worked together and how well our movie turned out. Although I have to say that the other groups movies were just as brilliant! Well done everyone!
Our winning movie
You worked hard on this movie and it shows. It is also a movie you could easily use in early years and fits very well with your topic of People Who Help Us. It is clear and would be understod by young children. Well done.